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      Cafe al Fresco Art Links Directory at, add your art link, free!   Step by step tutorial on preparation for Fresco. We will guide You through development of the concept and design, building composition based on giornatas, calculating the time and steps, ordering material. Developing of the Cartoon and making tracings. From concept sketch and color rendering to full scale Cartoon and color study. Finalizing giornatas layout and making tracings. Wall preparation. Plaster selection and application. Sand and lime mixtures. Humidity control and moisture. Tools and equipment. Tips from master-plasterer Ian Hardwick. Pigment selection and color preparation. Pigment grinding and storing ground base colors. Use of white and monitoring mixed colors during painting. Tools and equipment. Painting and joining giornatas. Steps in painting.  Morning, midday, evening differences. "Golden Hour" and drying challenge. Plaster behaviors and planning of the painting day. Materials for Fresco. Where and how to find and buy fresco supplies.

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