as Sponsoring Affiliate!

You place our image logo or text link linked to on Your site and we will create a link back to the page on Your site that contains link to us, on our affiliate page (not available for "Silver Affiliates"). Announcement about new affiliates will be published in our "Modern Fresco Gazette". Five affiliates with the most number of referrals will be announced on  page every 2 weeks (not available for "Gold" and "Silver Affiliates").

Three easy steps:

    1)  Copy and save this logo     on Your server!

    or create a text link to "Modern Fresco Gallery"

    2)  Link the text-link or image-logo to


    3) E-mail the URL of the page that contains the link to 

    Modern Fresco Gallery put "Affiliate application"

    in the subject line of the e-mail.

In order to protect our visitors from "inappropriate content" (material on Your site must be suitable for all audiences) link back to Your site will be created only after the content of Your site has been approved by the member of our stuff! We reserve the right to deny membership in our Affiliate Program to anyone. Approval process takes about 10 days,. Approved applicants will be notified by e-mail.


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